Book Review by Shereen Rahming - Bedtime Inspirational Stories - 50 Amazing Black People Who Changed the World


     I generally try to accept books for review that I think I will like.  It is part of my goal to only share books that I believe are inspirational and positive.  But I have to say that sometimes, I get one that stands out amongst the rest.  The one I am about to share with you is one of the standouts.  Bedtime Inspirational Stories - 50 Amazing Black People Who Changed the World by L.A. Amber is already a classic in my opinion.  My daughter and I have already decided to add it to our night-time routine.  We made a pact to read about one individual every night until we have made our way through the entire book.

     I can honestly say that I am in love with this book literally from the beginning to the end.  As I opened it and read the dedication, I knew right away that I had in my hand a piece of literature that would speak to my heart.  It read:

"Bedtime Inspirational Stories is dedicated to any child who has ever been made to feel unworthy, to any child who has ever dreamed big but been discouraged, and to any child who has ever risen up but been silenced."

     Then as if that wasn't enough to put a smile on my face, the very last pages of the book offers a myriad of daily affirmations.  I have to say that I am a believer in the power of affirming your goals.  I have created Read & Glow Books and written my own book with that being one of the core values and principles that I speak of.  So as I read the dedication and looked over the affirmations, this book felt like a familiar friend in my hands. 

     As I skimmed through its pages, I noticed that it was as much a history book as one of poetry and art.  Every page focuses on a different individual who has greatly and positively impacted our world and across from each story are beautiful illustrations of each person featured.  The illustrator, T.Z. Nissen, deserves as much credit for the beautiful art work that goes hand in hand with each story told.   

     Besides teaching about these amazing people, what makes this book so charming is how the author engages the reader.  As she tells the life stories and experiences of the various individuals in the book, she occasionally asks questions like, "Do you like plays and poems?" "What about writing them?"  As I read the questions intertwined in each story, my daughter started answering them and I noticed that the author is almost having a conversation with her audience.  Rather than just talking to them, the author is interacting with them and that is so endearing.

     As far as the people covered in the book, it ranges from the iconic to pop culture stars to lesser known heroes and influencers.  You can read about Oprah Winfrey, President Barack Obama, Harriet Tubman, Beyonce, Serena Williams, Mary Mcleod Bethune, George Carruthers, and Toussaint L'Ouverture.  What I appreciate about this is that even adults can discover someone that they may not know much or nothing about.  I found myself learning right along with my daughter and it peaked my interest and curiosity as much as hers.

     Bedtime Inspirational Stories - 50 Amazing Black People Who Changed the World has brought a renewed sense of anticipation to our bedtime reading.  We can't wait to read about the next amazing person who changed the world.  I'm willing to bet it will do the same thing for any household lucky enough to have this on their bookshelf. 

Bedtime Inspirational Stories - 50 Amazing Black People Who Changed the World is available for purchase through Amazon.

Note: I received a free copy of this book for an unbiased and honest review.
